This command protects all currently visible lines, arrows, and graphs and other graphics of the current slide from being erased by the ERASE RECENT command, the RESET SLIDE and RESET ALL SLIDES commands, or by using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the slide.
It then gives you the option of deleting all buttons that have been created on the current slide to draw lines, arrows, or graphs—–—buttons created as byproducts of the …LINE…, …ARROW…, and GRAPH… commands. If you assent to this, it will delete all such special buttons on the current slide, including ones associated with lines, arrows and graphs not currently visible. This will make it impossible to recreate these graphics, of course, so you need to be sure this is what you want to do. The tool buttons supplied with every slide (the ones whose icons underlie line, arrow, and graph buttons) will not be affected.